
Showing posts from June, 2021

SandBlox Devlog #2

Welcome to Sandblox Devlog #2 What's up?! Today I added the beginnings of the major changes to the game: a single object that represents all blocks using tiles. This does a few things: Pros instead of variables for each block ID (bID), the bIDs come from tile data. easier to make a system for blocks that require interactions (Heater, Research Table). unlocks more efficient ways to generate the world. eventually, I will use ds_girds to generate the terrain. it's now possible due to tile data being used as bIDs. Cons hundreds of lines of code in one object. will just be a tedious task, but worth it! Image Preview The player is on the newly created objects, while the terrain below is still old. I'll be back with another update very soon. Stay tuned for greatness!

SandBlox Devlog #1

Welcome to Sandblox Devlog #1 Hello ! Today I made some code adjustments to this 10-year-old game that makes it 10% easier to work with! Here is what I worked on: major player no longer hitches when landing on blocks after jumping. toolbar and stat bars are now properly drawn in a GUI event. minor sprites are no longer blurry after adjusting some game settings. made the game window larger. created a sprite-based font instead of using a built-in option. Image Preview I'll be back with another update very soon. Stay tuned for greatness!


This is going to be an extremely short post. This blog is an almost 10-year revival of my ancient original dev blog (please do not read it).  the warehouse is a group made up of me and I'll be using that name as publisher and developer for my projects. I will be posting dev blogs for Sandblox  and an upcoming project called Untitled Survival Game (USG) .  View and download projects from my group page on, the warehouse . Stay tuned for greatness.